Each Chapter of our "Scrapbooking Textbook" will be divided into three Parts: beginning, intermediate, and advanced. (Even if you've been scrapbooking for years, you will be amazed at what you can learn even in the beginning chapter!) Each Part will contain the primary instructional video, filled with knowledge from a professional graphic designer. This blog will also contain bonus instructional videos for many parts. (These bonus classes will not be published on social media or our YouTube page and can only be accessed in the blog.)
Our Playing with Paper Blog will contain only the videos from our Playing with Paper series. Even months or years later, you can utilize this blog to quickly and easily find your desired instructional video.
The $34.99 fee is a one-time fee that will give you exclusive access to the blog. Videos will continue to be added to this blog over the course of 2-3 years.
Upon purchasing your Blog Access, your account will be tagged as an exclusive member. To access the blog, be sure to first log into your account on our home page first. Then click over to the Educational Video Blog. The website will recognize that you have exclusive access to this blog.